Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas/Race and Resistance Studies, College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University. Phone (415) 405-2668; Fax: (415) 405-2573; Email:
2000 PhD, Department of Sociology, Yale University.
1998 M Phil, (Sociology) -Yale University.
1995 MA, (Sociology) - Yale University.
1994 B.A., Summa Cum Laude (Special Honors Curriculum; Sociology; Women’s Studies), Hunter College of the City University of New York.
Arab American Identity: Memory and Resistance
Gender and Modernity in Arab and Muslim Communities
Theories and Issues in Ethnic Studies
Palestine: Ethnic Studies Perspective
Gender, Identity and Society in the Middle East
Colonial Legacies, Post-Colonial Discourse: Perspectives on Resistance and Revolution
Introduction to AMED
Introduction to Arab and Arab American Feminisms
2014 “Contesting the Foreign/Domestic Divide: Arab Revolutions and American Studies”, in Shifting Borders: American in the Middle East/North Africa, edited by Alex Lubin, AUB Press Read the press release for more information.
2011 Arab and Arab American Feminisms: Gender, Violence and Belonging, Co-editor with Evelyn Alsultany and Nadine Naber (Syracuse)
2011 Where is Home? In Arab and Arab American Feminisms: Gender, Violence and Belonging (Syracuse), edited by Rabab Abdulhadi, Evelyn Alsultany, and Nadine Naber, winner of the 2012 National Arab American Book Award. Visit Syracuse University Press Website.
2009 “Whose 1960s? Gender, Resistance and Liberation in Palestine,” in Karen Dubinsky, Catherine Krull, Susan Lord, Sean Mills and Scott Rutherford (eds.) New World Coming: The Sixties and the Shaping of Global Consciousness, Toronto: Between the Lines and New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009. find "New World Coming" on Google Books.
2009 "Sexuality and the Social Order in Arab Muslim Communities" in Homosexuality and Islam, edited by Samar Habib. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. "Islam and Homosexuality" book online.
2005 “Teaching Gender and Sexuality in the Time of War.” Journal of Women’s History. Winter 2005. Issue 17, No. 4, pp 154-158. More information of Tread Lightly: Teaching Gender and Sexuality in the Time of War. Download "Tread Lightly: Teaching Gender and Sexuality in the Time of War."
Gender, Nation, and Belonging: Arab and Arab American Feminist Perspectives. Editor (with Nadine Naber and Evelyn Alsultany), Special Issue of the MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies. May/June 2005.
2004 “Imagining Freedom, Justice, and Peace in the Age of Empire.” Peace Review, March 2004, Vol. 16, Issue 1; pg. 85, California State University.
2004 “Activism and Exile: Constructing and Contesting Palestinianness” in Local Actions: Cultural Activism, Power, and Public Life in America, edited by Melissa Checker and Maggie Fishman, Columbia University Press. To download "Activism and Exile: Palestinianness and the Politics of Rabab Abdulhadi."
Find "Local Actions: Cultural Activism, Power, and Public Life in America" on Google Books.
2005 “Where is Home? Fragmented Lives, Border Crossing, and the Politics of Exile” In Fawzia Afzal-Khan, editor, Shattering the Stereotypes: Muslim-American Women Speak Out Post 9/11. Interlink Publishers. [Reprinted from Radical History Review]. Find "Shattering the Stereotypes: Muslim Women Speak Out" on Google Books.
Policy Papers and Relevant Reports
2012 “Debating Palestine: Representation, Resistance and Liberation.” Policy Brief for Al-Shabaka, Palestinian Policy Network. [April 2012] Also can print the article on the Jadaliyya website.
2012 "وجهه نظر تجاه الجدل الفلسطيني الدائر حول التمثيل والمقاومه والتحرير"- شبكه السياسات الفلسطينيه. نيسان
Learn more about Debating Palestine: Representation, Resistance, and Liberation.
2006 “Mid-Year Report: Exchange Visit with Al Quds and Other Palestinian Universities, February 27 – March 9, 2006.” Connecting Jerusalem and Dearborn: Developing Arab American and American Studies Curriculum. Visit University of Michigan-Dearborn.
2016 “The Spirit of Bandung: Postcolonial Histories, Transnational Solidarities, and Cultures of Resistance”, a special issue of Radical History Review on the 60th anniversary of the first conference on the Non-Aligned Movement (exact timing is under negotiation with the Editorial Collective of RHR)
“Gendered Islamophobia, Racialization and Colonial Feminisms” –a Special Issue of the Islamophobia Studies Journal, Co-editor (commitment secured, abstracts received, screened and approved, articles due March 2, 2015; issue projected for spring 2016).
“Palestinian Politics, Resistance and Liberation” Journal of Palestine Studies,” (Arabic and English) Masarat Center Volume, Ramallah, Palestine (in press).
Revising Palestinian Feminist Narratives: Gender, Nation and Resistance in Palestine (manuscript under preparation, solicited by Duke University Press).
Palestine: Solidarity and Resistance-a co-edited anthology of essays and articles on critical issues and debates in Palestinian resistance and the international solidarity movement with justice for/in Palestine (possible publisher: Duke University Press).
Living Archives: Third World, Indigenous and anti-Colonial Queer and Feminist International Solidarities—a co-edited anthology of essays on the alliances between Indigenous and US women of color and their counterparts in the 3rd World. (CfP disseminated, abstracts received; volume projected for 2017).
“Palestine, Race and the Black Radical Imaginary: Solidarity and Contradictions,” invited chapter in With Stones in Our Hands: Reflections on Racism, Muslims and Empire, co-edited by Junaid Rana and Sohail Daulatzai, University of Minnesota Press (under review for 2017).
“Shifting Imaginaries: Palestinian Refugees in Political and Social Discourses” (under revision)
2015 The New McCarthyism: Zionist Silencing and Palestinian Academics”, forthcoming essay in Righting Injustice: The Case for the Academic Boycott of Israel, co-edited by Bill Mullen and Ashley Dawson, Haymarket Books.
“Censored: Academic Freedom, Palestine and the First Amendment” a roundtable that also includes Hatem Bazian (UC-Berkeley), David Palumbo-Liu (Stanford) and Joanne Barker (American Indian Studies, SFSU), to be published by Jadaliyya website, Summer 2015.